with crispy oyster mushroomsIngredients
(Serves 10)
- 2000 ml chicken stock
- 100 ml olive oil
- 2 onions, finely diced
- 700 g black rice
- 250 ml dry white wine
- 200 ml Emborg cream
- 350 g Emborg Gran Amici Shredded
- 500 oyster mushrooms, pulled to thin strips
- Oil for frying
- 100 ml tamari soya
- 250 g spring onions, finely chopped
- Fresh sprigs of coriander to serve
- Emborg Gran Amici Shredded to serve
Bring the chicken stock to a simmer in a saucepan. Heat the olive oil in another saucepan and sauté the onions until transparent. Add the rice to the onions and stir well under medium heat. Gradually add the chicken stock, letting some evaporate and absorb into the rice while stirring. Continue until all the stock is added. Let the risotto simmer gently while the rice cooks tender, about 30 min.
Add the wine, cream and Gran Amici Shredded cheese. Stir well and season with salt and pepper. You may need to adjust the consistency with a little water. Keep the risotto warm while cooking the oyster mushrooms.
Heat some olive oil in a hot pan and add the oyster mushrooms. Sauté them under high heat and add the tamari. Let the mushrooms become golden and crispy. Serve the risotto topped with crispy mushrooms, springonions, shavings of Gran Amici Shredded cheese and fresh sprigs of coriander.